Competence Center Ecosystems
Applied research for innovative solutions in practice
Competence Center Ecosystems
Competence Center Ecosystems
Applied research for innovative solutions in practice
Applied research for innovative solutions in practice

Competence Center Smart Citizen

Competence Center Smart Citizen

Due to the current situation also available as a webinar

Due to the current situation also available as a webinar

Due to the current situation also available as a webinar

Research-related advice with proven methods and reference models
With our customers (project partners), we develop differentiated solutions and innovative business models for their ecosystem. We accompany the transformation on a cultural, process and technological level.

Ecosystems and business models
We design your business model with you, accompany you in the optimal positioning in existing ecosystems as well as the development of new ecosystems.
Selected reference projects
Ecosystem positioning options in the digital environment
Conception smart button ecosystem development
Strategic options for ecosystem-based positioning
Strategic positioning and modularization options for a core banking system manufacturer
Implementation of a sales strategy and development of the business network
Evaluation of the outsourcing of a business area to an external company
Conception for the design of the workplace of the future for the customer and the customer advisor
Our Consulting Areas
Business architecture & sourcing
We build your business architecture for you, support you in the selection of core banking systems and optimize your sourcing relationships.
Selected reference projects
Development and ongoing implementation of core banking radar
Multi-channel and sourcing assessment
Development of the sourcing models for a major bank
Service models for transaction banking in payment transactions
Performance comparison: Periodic exchange of eight banks and providers in the areas of payment, investing and financing
Establishment of a credit factory in Switzerland
Prototype rental deposit process on the blockchain for service development
Development of an analysis tool including analysis and evaluation of core banking systems
Business process modeling for core banking systems
Support BPO offering for banks and external asset managers

We identify trends and their impact on your company so that the digitalization strategies and measures derived from them bring added value for all your stakeholders.
Selected reference projects
Basics for the digital strategies of private banks
Development of a digitalization strategy for financial institutions
Development of a branch strategy in the context of digitalization
IoT prototypes for the smart home sector based on DLT
Model for measuring the effect of advertising (e.g. TV spot)
Technologization of the advisory process (tablet-based advice in private banking)
Customer journey data mapping and creation of a cockpit
Support for a banking group as ad interim CIO
Formulation of service design strategy (banking services, IT)
Digital Assets
We support banks & regulated financial market participants in the conception, development & implementation of their digital asset strategy. In doing so, we use proven process models and contribute our experience in the implementation of such projects in a regulated framework to create added value.
Ausgewählte Referenzprojekte
Identification of opportunities & development of the strategic target picture in the context of digital assets for a Swiss universal bank.
Identification & evaluation of use cases for a blockchain-based payment solution
Design & implementation of a blockchain-based prototype (Ethereum & Hyperledger) for financial transaction processing for a German & a Swiss bank
Creation of a proof of concept in the area of real estate tokenization to optimize processing in the mortgage business
Expansion of the digital assets offering as well as introduction of new products in the context of digital assets
Customized training offering for different business levels, aligned with training goal & prior knowledge

We accompany you on the strategic, technological and cultural level and create the necessary resilience in your company with agile methods.
Selected reference projects
Strategic orientation of future project management and implications for the organization
Development of a strategy framework at group level
Aspects of the monetization of data / big data and the associated transformation of the organization
Strategic alignment of future process management and the back office
Conduct of a corporate customer study on the topic of digital maturity
Benchmarking concept and implementation for the IT / operations area
Methodology for the selection of standard software
Methodical support in the field of B2B for banks
Service process comparison for better management of customers
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